The Delhi Dealers’ Meet is around the corner. And for those of you who yet don’t know about one of the largest Rakhi Manufacturers in India, Shree Rakhi: here is an introduction!
Before we begin, we are grateful to each of you for helping us reach where we are today.
And we expect you to be there at our Delhi Event, & take us to newer heights of success this 2021.
It is only when its Shree Rakhi that you can vouch on the following:
• Having above 8100+ existing clients
• A range of over 10,000 designs in Rakhis
• Experience of above 60 years in Rakhi making and selling
• A working team of above 1.5 lacs all over the nation
• Ranges made to fit every pocket size
• Exclusive packaging styles that make the Rakhis even more attractive
• Maintaining the quality of Rakhis ever since the beginning
• We are equipped with infrastructure and skills that can add finesse to even the most difficult Rakhi designs
• A range of unique artwork in Rakhis on AD, Zari Zardousi bases.
• 30 years of arranging Dealer’s Meets in Delhi and Hyderabad
But the most important reason that you have to be associated with Shree Rakhi is that over a hundred Rakhi Dealers, like you, have their trust in us.
Witness how big we are. Be there at our Delhi Event on 11th April.